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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Weekly Q&A Thread

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    Beginners and users new to Reddit — please post your witchy questions here!

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  • Weekly Q&A Thread

  • StructureOne9211

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Hi all ✨

    I’m wondering how I might go about burning a letter to release the negativity and toxicity of it from my life.

    For context, the letter is a destaff letter from my job. I’ve made the hard decision to walk away from my career path (to hell with my bachelors and masters) in lieu of my own happiness.

    I want to release what I’ve carried with me in regards to this position. I planned on writing my intentions for moving forward on the back of the letters, writing what I’m releasing and identifying what I’m welcoming in.

    Is there anything else I need to consider?

    Thanks 🫶🏻

  • closetkitsune

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Hello! I’m a new witch who has always felt an interest in the craft, but hesitated to actually start for a long time (religious trauma etc etc). Coincidentally or not, I finally made the decision on a sleepless night after the eclipse this week. I’m closeted about my practice since one of my housemates will more than likely give me grief; he’s particularly nosy and likes to mansplain so I’m just opting for secrecy to be safe.

    For now I’ve just been doing tons of research, cross-referencing, and writing down a lot in an old Legend of Zelda notebook I bought ages ago. I got myself the Eclectic Witch’s Book of Shadows Companion (I got confused and got the companion instead of the book itself, whoops) and a necklace as a treat since I’m getting paid for bird-sitting for my housemates this week while they’re away.

     So…my questions are:
    Aside from lots of research, where should I start?
    Is there something I absolutely need to study up on no matter what?
     Any good youtube/etc recommendations?
    Are feathers from lovebirds and parrotlets useful?
    What’s the best way to cleanse this amethyst necklace discreetly? My windowsill doesn’t get direct moonlight; will it still work for moon-related work (cleansing, etc)?
    How can I do this on a budget? I’ve been unable to find a day job for a very long time now so I’m financially restricted as well.

    As excited as I am, I’m also very nervous and I worry that I just won’t have it in me and that I’m inherently incapable somehow. But that could just be my anxiety talking, ahaha.

    Thank you so much in advance! (And I hope I’m doing this right; I’m very new here) 💜🦊

  • fluffyxow

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Hi! Im new to reddit as well as to witchcraft so im sorry in advance if i say something wrong or ignorant.. im always here to learn!

    I have just started researching into the world in the last couple days, i love the idea that intention can hold so much power and im really drawn to the practice. However i am very new to this and so i figured id come on here and ask you guys for any tips you may have 🙂

    Im curious if you guys know of any good books or resources for a overview of witchcraft and the different types of practices, witches, and paths you can learn? Im feeling very overwhelmed with the sheer amount of very specific information, when i dont even quite understand the basics quite yet!

    Another question is, are there any good reputable websites or sources you are drawn to online? Like is there anything i could use almost as a witch wiki or something of the sort?

    Thank you all for any help or advice!

  • Goodbyesunshineee

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Hi yall! I’m new to practicing spell work, however I have a cauldron, herbs, all that good stuff but I live in an apartment and also want to not create a ton of smoke for my kitties when practicing. Do yall have any tips for mediums that burn cleaner than charcoal disks? I don’t know if alcohol is the best bet or if there is something else but when I look into this l just find stuff about like wood fires and such which is why Im coming here to ask. Thanks my loves 💕
    Bonus points if you just have tips to keep the kitties safe from burning herbs such as lavender for example that’s bad for them. (I plan to keep them in a seperate room but any other tips are welcome)

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