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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Weekly Q&A Thread – December 25, 2021

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  • Weekly Q&A Thread – December 25, 2021

  • maryberry999

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    hi guys I’m new here, just has a few questions regarding spirit guides. Do we all have spirit guides or guardians? And do they contact us ? And will we see them ?

    When i was 14 years old inwas staying at my cousins house and I woke up in the middle of the night to use the toilet around 2am. I left the bathroom door open while using the toilet. And seen a figure at the top of the stairs which appeared to look like a girl but I couldn’t see her face. As she looked like a black shadow. I thought it was my cousin at first and asked her what she was doing. Then she went downstairs and I heard the footsteps go downstairs. I didn’t think anything of it and my first instinct was to go downstairs after her as I thought this was my cousin. I went downstairs and she wasn’t there. I then went back uo to bed and she was fast asleep in bed.

    Dose any one have any idea what this could of been ? Was this my spirit guide?

  • AgentNo3707

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    In the last 2 weeks I’ve dropped so many plants around my home from just walking around to bumping into one to punching one off the wall ??? All accidentally. Don’t know if Im being paranoid but I’ve never felt like they’ve been in my way for me to be so clumsily colliding with them and now I feel like I can’t stop getting in their way. Literally like 8 in two weeks. So much soil spills out every time I feel like there must be a meaning to me spilling soil on the floor of my house now lol. Anyways I don’t know if I’m being dramatic but I’m not sure if it’s an omen or if it’s a good sign or I’ve been cursed and the universe trying to tell me. I’ve tried to Google some stuff but Yh if anyone knows what it means please help me !

  • maewhitee

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    pagan vs wicca explanation?? 🧙🏼‍♀️

    hey everyone!!
    i’ve been doing tarot readings, oracle readings, spells, and using a pendulum for about a year.
    i’ve wanted to look into what it means to be wiccan or pagan to that extent however research is proving VERY hard.
    could someone please give me a very simple summary of the views on both wicca and pagan and also how they compare?
    thank you! <3

  • etsuki__e

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    I know its not December 25 but i got a little dilema. I was researching about other “witchy” religions that might work with me because i was kinda being a wiccan ig?or saw myself as a wiccan but now i’m starting to know it doesn’t really fit me and even others religions are not “quiet for me” so i wanted to ask if its okay to just be without specific religion and work with deities and doing my kitchen craft?(Also i’m sorry if my english is not really great i’m from europe :’). )

  • Kudorix

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    How do i start working with a deity?

  • Gullible_Ad3898

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    I’m a spell work newbie. And I’ve noticed that in the past couple of years since maybe about 2020 I have significantly lost my beauty. I have gained a lot of weight and most of it is concentrated around the belly area. I’ve noticed that my skin has started to break out lately. My lips are becoming darker… because I smoke cigarettes and I’ve noticed that I am starting to get bags under my eyes. Also I have allergies that are getting worse daily. They make my eyes and nose itch I rub my eyes so often that I’ve created dark circles around my eyes and also my nose had allergies because of all the scratching.

    Right now I’m in a relationship with a man that loves me, a good man and I really want to retain (actually reclaim) my beauty for my confidence because being in the relationship with somebody who is conventionally attractive while you keep losing your beauty is very very stressful. Has anybody done the beauty spell for self-esteem? I’m not generally a very vain person and I’ve always been confident but my lack of confidence is absolutely consuming me please help!!

    Edited to remove ASL

  • Nareddxd

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Me and my girlfriend need help.
    She as been distant and it has been 2 months since we and sex becouse she has been stressed out. And we are having alot of discussion lately
    I need help I feel like I’m losing her.
    I have tryed a bath of salt water, incens in the house and asking her to take a bath of salt water too, and nothing worked.
    Can you guys share with me some info of what to do.
    Any bath or stone or incens. To keep her clean of bad energy.

  • shipwithsails

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    I would like to make a ritual for Mother Earth. To celebrate her and for gratitude for everything she has given to us. I would like to work with her and help her. I have no idea what could be the best ritual/offering. Thanks if you can guide me. Edit: I am really not so much into rituals and ceremonies actually. Another question would be: what chaos magician/witch does when honoring Mother Earth and working with her?

  • LittleMissWitch11

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Hello all!! Baby witch here wondering what are some good methods of performing a healing spell?

    I don’t have a whole lot of tools yet, so I’m planning on simply using a white tealight candle & my clear quartz. Would that still be useful in this instance?

    I want to help my partner who is feeling very under the weather. Of course, he is taking medicine, resting, & drinking fluids to help get better but I wanted to do everything within my power to help him heal asap! 😊

  • bobthekittycat

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    I want to try out witchcraft but I’m not sure how to start. Any tips for beginners?

  • Sure-Information8881

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Hi! So for Christmas I just got a raw piece of selenite and I’m a little worried about handling it! I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to. I already know it dissolves in water, it naturally splinters, and I’ve heard salt isn’t good for it either. But I’m mainly worried about the splinters. I’ve heard since it splinters don’t handle it and play with it a lot but it’s perfectly fine to handle with your bare hands, I just plan on washing my hands after each use. Im mainly worried about breathing any of the pieces in it or it getting into my eyes since it kinda just splinters anywhere. I currently have it in a little satchel on my altar to try and prevent any pieces just going all over my room. Even if the pieces get into my room and I somehow accidentally ingest it would I be fine or is that a low chance Is there any way to prevent it from going all over my room besides what I’m doing now and a recommended way for cleaning it up if it does? And is there anything else I should know about it?? Thank you so much, anything is appreciated <33

  • beloiseau

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    I did a deity identification spread because I feel like I’ve been getting some signs here and there, and can’t seem to get it out of my head (despite some hesitancy due to nervousness to begin working with a deity). I was wondering if anyone gets anything from this spread. 1 is the deity, 2 is a negative/intimidating trait associated with said deity, 3 is a more positive trait, 4 is something the deity rules over, and 5 is something the deity is associated with.

    I used the Luna Sol deck. My interpretation is… Lackluster. I’m a little stuck.

    1. Five of Wands (upright)

    My initial thought is that this is a God or Goddess who makes people slightly uncomfortable

    2. Seven of Cups (upright)

    Maybe options present a challenge?

    3. Nine of Swords (upright)

    Knows no fear?

    4. Eight of Discs (upright)

    Helps with developing skills of some kind.

    5. The World (upright)

    No clue, truly!

    Thanks in advance for any insight offered!!

  • dirtgrubpride

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Ive been *trying* to read tarot on and off for a few months now but it’s not any easier than in the beginning, I just can’t seem to make sense of the cards… I have a rider waite deck and Tarot Del Fuego but for me both of them are extremely difficult to decipher and unless I look at meanings for the cards online I really don’t get any intuition with it at all, and if i do, i think of so many possibilities for what the card can be about that I become so conflicted as to whether my theory is actual intuition or if I’m just overthinking. Pulling clarification cards only produces more of these thoughts and questions and it’s so overwhelming. I don’t know what to do, I’m thinking that it’s because these decks I have I never really connected to in the first place so I’ve bought a new rider waite deck to hopefully be more comfortable to do readings with, but other than that I don’t know what to do to help me become a better and more intuitive reader. I don’t know why I have such a hard time understanding the imagery in the cards, it all just seems so out of nowhere even though I’ve looked at many guides online and tips, (that and the meanings online all seem to either conflict or are so basic that I can’t really apply them) but I really don’t want to stop tarot reading since I really am interested in it and love it. I already try to bond with my cards quite a lot, I carry them around everywhere in my bag and sleep with them and I’ve been trying to do readings every morning, but I just don’t see any improvement. Does anyone have any insight or tips as to what I can do to improve my reading abilities and intuition? Thank you so much in advance!

  • littleargent

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    I know that magick cannot fix everything, and I *am* willing to put forth the work, I’m just in desperate need of a boost here.

    I want to write a book, the ideas are all there, but I have an almost paralyzing fear of rejection and not being good enough that has kind of kept me stuck.

    And I have ADHD, was diagnosed with it years ago but my mom doesn’t believe I have it. She’s willing to help me get started on meds though if its what I want to do, but keeps saying we need to find a new family doctor.
    I’m worried about finding one that is understanding, and is knowledgeable about ADHD, and not of the opinion that its just a name for lazy people. (I’ve gotten this comment from my mom before, but just once thankfully……)

    Are there any spells, rituals, or incantations that can help with these things? I’m not sure where to really start, i’ve got *some ideas, but witchcraft and magic are still pretty new to me.

  • Confident_Catch4408

    December 31, 2021 at 12:42 am

    I recently started my journey to working with deities and I think I had a connection but I have no idea so
    please help

    I was meditating and had a vision of a small deer,
    most likely a fawn, laying in a clearing in the woods surrounded in long grass and beautiful flowers. There was someone behind the trees some ways away but I couldn’t make them out but at no point was I worried or scared more curious and calm. and every time I got distracted i was led back to this scene. was this someone trying to connect with me?

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