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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Weekly Q&A Thread – February 26, 2022

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  • Weekly Q&A Thread – February 26, 2022

  • brownhairbrowneyes_

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Hello all!

    Although i do not have even a months worth of practice under my belt, i was wondering if it would be “safe” to do a jar or a candle to help my sister navigate an extremely difficult time in her life. It has pained me deeply to watch her battle with something at every new turn in life.

    We had a long talk last night and she shared with me that she has had dreams of being watched and stalked by a shadow figure. I dont know if this is recurring dream, but she has expressed an “irrational” fear of being followed.

    Any advice is welcome.


  • KittyTheWitchy

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Last night, I was thinking about trying a certain banishing spell for negative emotions. All I did was plan out my method and the incantation I would use during the spell itself. I didn’t even write it down or anything.

    This morning, I woke up with some ***powerful*** results, much moreso than I was anticipating even after doing the spell physically. The emotions I wanted to rid myself of were gone as though they’d never been present in the first place. That has *never* happened to me before.

    I’m a beginner witch and have been researching much about the craft lately, and I know many people who say you don’t need tools at all to perform a spell or ritual. Did I accidentally prove that to myself?

    I suppose I’m just sort of shocked and caught completely off guard. Honestly, I had no expectations of the spell working quickly if it even worked at all since this is my first time ever even attempting magick. And yet here I am with *none* of the strong negative emotions I felt less than 24 hours ago.

    *This isn’t something I’ll set for myself as an expectation*. I know that spells will sometimes not work or not go the way I wanted. Having this happen by accident just has me completely floored and a little confused.

    Would any witches more experienced than myself lend some guidance? Thank you so much in advance. ♥

  • OhShinyRock

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Hey so I’m doing a reverse spell on someone who has caused me a lot of negativity and emotional pain in the past year. The intention is to take all that stuff away from me so I can have 100% peace and to send it back to them. The candle is red on top and black at the bottom and I’ve been trying to burn it whenever I can and snuffing it out when I can’t. It’s finally burned down to the black part of the candle but now I get a strange feeling that’s hard to explain, kind of like something is off or wrong. The flame is larger than usual and is dancing/moving a lot. I asked my pendulum if everything was ok and if I should keep continuing with the working and it said yes. So now I don’t know what to do because my pendulum says it’s ok but I still can’t shake this feeling that something is off.

  • cha06

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    there are scenario in my life that I think happened to me over and over again, I was thinking that I am cursed or my family is cursed or hexed.

    my mom is the youngest among 12 daughters of my grandparents, and all of them are separated or widowed, recently my mom and my dad decided to separate their ways with no reason at all. Among the 12, no one had a good life or as we call “financially stabled” even they all had good education.

    My dad came from a middle class family, he is the only boy among 4 siblings. all of his siblings had a good life and wealthy.

    As I grew older, I am going through the same page as them, I have job but not good enough to pay everything that I need, and of course Its hard for me to get a job that easily ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I had some relationships but, I think That the people I date is having a difficult times in terms of financial stability.

    Now, I have my bf for 3 years and his going through the same, where so good at first he got a job and financially stabled but suddenly not.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)

    can someone give me prosperity or reverse spell for this?

  • AdReasonable302

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Series of Unfortunate events

    So I’m new to world of Witchcraft. I grew up in a very religious family. So I wasn’t allowed to learn about it. Let alone even ask. As I became older I removed myself from religion. Fast forward to my adult life. This past month has been a series of unfortunate events happen in my life. Stress and toxicity at work. Finances have been tight due to events like car troubles and other dumb mishaps. Now my physical health has taken a toll. I have trich (mental health disorder) I just relapsed after a year of not pulling and I pulled out half my eyebrow. And I found out this morning I have to go through a traumatic medical procedure next Friday. I no longer dream at night. It’s been a month since I’ve last had a dream. Which it weird because I always dream. This has all happened this past month. I feel like someone from my past might have hex me or cursed me ? Maybe just bad energy either way. I would appreciate any and all help, advice and suggestions.
    Thank you for reading my post in advance.

  • LateSatisfaction6145

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    I’m looking for summonings for powerful benevolent spirits. Something similar to the book of smokeless flame but not black magic any suggestions?

  • bisexualpluto

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Does anyone have any good sources on New England folk practices? Unfortunately because of the witch trials in the region, a lot of the sources I’ve found LOOK like they’re about practices, but are actually just about the history of the witch trials.

  • thecuiltheory

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Is today a dark moon? I have a spell kit I’m trying to use that needs to be cast on a Sunday during a waning moon but it says not to cast it on a dark moon. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

  • BroomClosetWitch96

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    I need help. As soon as possible…

    How do I check for a curse/hex?

    Something just isn’t right and hasn’t been for around 3 months now. It started with me getting stranded abroad for two weeks in December, then I had to travel to London last minute during the recent storm and got stuck there for a while. I’ve had on and off illnesses in this time but from the middle of Jan I got really ill and it ended up being an underlying condition which can easily be medicated to resolve but no doctor can understand how/why it has happened. In the same time almost every appliance in my house has broken down one way or another and my car kept having a random fault which made it go into “limp” mode while driving but when I took it to two different garages they found absolutely no faults or issues. This all culminated in the last two days, yesterday o had a horrible feeling all day, I told my husband over and over it felt like something bad was going to happen and I was surrounded by some sort of bad energy. He didn’t think much of it. Then this morning we had a freak car accident. A car pulled out, didn’t make any attempt to break and crashed straight into the passenger side where I was. My husband was driving and our son and dog were in the back and I was the only one injured, it felt very targeted.

    Part of me says this is a freak set of coincidences/events but something insides me thinks it could be something much more sinister.

  • mbs_drone

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Will a cord cutting be an end to a lot of my problems?

    So I was in an extremely abusive relationship that ended about a year ago, but I still feel the effects from it.

    Basically I was wondering if a cord cutting will kind of end all of the emotions/ties to this person, or if it’s best to use it in conjunction with therapy as well (which I’m currently in therapy).

    Sorry, I’m new to this, so I probably sound like I have no idea what I’m talking about.

  • jessijuana

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    My bf has run into a few unlucky situations in his life since we started dating. We live an hour apart and only see eachother on the weekends, if that provides any insight.

    The thing is, this has happened to me before. I feel like people I date tend to go through a lot of difficult events when we first get together. I’m actually doing quite well and have had good things happen to me lately. Am I a succubus or something? Are my ancestors trying to mess with him? Are my protection spells working against him?

  • meghsiscool

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    College Acceptance

    Hi! i’m pretty new to witch craft but have been following loa for quite some time (a few years). i recently got r3j3ct3d (sorry for censoring i’m just really trying to not think abt it) from my dream school, which i know is meant for me. i have been practising loa regarding the same quite adamantly and while i continue to fully believe i will get an acceptance regardless of the 3D, i just wanted to know if there was a spell which could also help with this? i know i will get in, and frankly am of the belief i already have, i just need a spell which aids this in appearing in the 3d. please help!! it would be much appreciated:)
    P.S. i posted this on my account but it never got posted as i didn’t have enough karma

  • LionessoftheNorth

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    Hi 👋🏻 I’m trying to get my first set of bones for divination. I was wondering if there if they all had to be the same species; also if there is a better type of bone? (like a femur or phalanges?)
    I am foraging my own set of bones so nothing that’s not native to North America.

  • Mae-Bee-

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    This same thing happened to me years ago before I started practicing but it happened in a house that had spirits in it. (I don’t know if they were kind spirits or not)

    But last night I went to bed like normal and I woke up with scratch marks all over my legs and left arm. I bite my nails, therefore they’re extremely blunt, so there’s not way I could’ve done them to myself.

    When this happened years ago it was only on the back of my neck and one of the groups of scratches is shaped like an ‘A’ which I think is interesting.

    At first I thought it was from our puppies since their nails are sharp and they like to jump, but we’ve had them for almost two months now and this is the first time scratches have shown up.

  • FrenchieBriar

    March 5, 2022 at 6:48 am

    hi everyone !

    im a beginer witch and i have some questions about dreams.

    I was wondering how to record my dreams. By that i mean the way of taking notes : my dreams are a mess with a lot of things happening without any logic and everything is quite blurry so i was wondering if i should rather write everyting i remember or if i should only write the main ideas to keep my notes clear and concise ?

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