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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Weekly Q&A Thread – March 26, 2022

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  • Weekly Q&A Thread – March 26, 2022

  • Mediocre-Question-25

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Can you be a witch and not practice? I have many hobbies and interests and skills and gravitate to the identity but have no desire to practice.

  • Nazsuser

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Hi I’m a new witch and wondering how to make a protection spell for someone I care about? I would like it to be small with plants or herbs and sealed with a candle. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!

  • caits_not_here

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Idk If this is reallya witchcraft question, but it is something I feel might be more spiritual. I have a friend and he and I have known each other since the 7th grade. We’ve had romantic moment, but have never been romantic. I keep have romantic dreams about them over and over again though. We still talk from time to time and we’re still friends, we don’t hang out anymore because I live in a different state. But I don’t know why I keep hanving dreams about them. They’re always different, but always romantic.

  • cireland87

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Looking for assistance on a stolen motorcycle from my condo. I’m fairly a beginner. My bfs motorcycle was stolen from our carport last week and I’ve been researching on how to get it back but haven’t really found anything for stolen property. We have a feeling our neighbor is involved but not sure. We only saw a small clip of the act. I just want to give my bf justice. I’ve been told potentially a return to sender or a honey jar but im not sure what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • prettyjupiter

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Anyone have any success with spells to attract new people into your life? Not like new people as in love life but new people as in friends

    For context I have a few friends that I’ve had in my life for a long time but their interests aren’t really the same as mine. I’m getting more into playing guitar and making art, and I’m really starting to center my life around my hobbies more so I was kind of hoping to attract people into my life that will push me to further my craft. I have no issue putting myself out there (I’m a pretty outgoing person) but I was wondering if there were any spells that would make it easier for the right people to come into my life

  • ColourMeStrange

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    I was wandering what research paths people went down as they transitioned out of the new witch stage? Just trying to broaden my horizons on rabbit holes to go down

  • chocolatemintwitch

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Hello, I’m someone interested in witchcraft.

    However, my parents don’t approve at all, and would kill me if they found out I bought crystals, herbs, or other supplies.

    Can I still be a witch even without supplies? If so, what can I do?

  • Old-Toe4154

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Anyone familiar with light flickering? This was very specific time happened in my house and moment. I was talking to my husband & he raised his voice again and I could sense I was getting annoyed inside. Every time he did that the light would flicker. IT’s stopped as soon as he stopped talking and when he would get amped up again, it would happen again. It stopped as soon as he walked out of room and he left house. I thought it was either a spirit that doesn’t like him and likes me or trying to tell me something or it was my energy getting upset.I really don’t know even though I’m intuitive & (have been my whole life.) I’m just not good with myself. I’m accurate with advice to others but I not my own. I know sounds confusing and complicated ☺️is that my name old tie? Geez my daughter must have made an account on my account not here. I followed. I usually go under my name or nickname or am I asking old toe the question. I know I’m new so confused lol can tell I’m older not teen. I feel like my mother not tech savvy enough for this generatio🤷‍♀️

  • Old-Toe4154

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Oh I’m sorry I thought this was like public chat areas 😂 I’m new in here 😂

  • CoconutCreamify

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Hello, I am a beginner in witchcraft. I started with Tarot because it interested me, and there’s an enormous amount of information I can find on it, but I’d like to try something new and I was thinking about connecting with ancient witchraft that was present in the country that I live which in my case, that would be Celtic magic. I’ve spent several hours this week trying to find anything that will help me, and I keep ending up on various blogs, but I’m not finding anything in them because they don’t go in depth enough, and also I’m not sure if the authors are qualified. I’ve also gone to my local library with no luck since it’s quite small, and I don’t have access to a university library sadly. So far, I’ve only found one book that interests me (“*Celtic Magic*” by D. J. Conway), but again, I’m not sure if the author is qualified, and don’t know if the information I’m going to get is quality.

    So I’ve got 2 questions:

    1. Can anyone having read the book or other works by the same author give me their opinion? Since I’m buying the book, I’d like to get an opinion on it before.
    2. Where should I look for works related to ancient Celtic Magic (or ancient witchcraft works in general will help me too)? I’m sure there is information out there, but I feel like I’m looking in the wrong places.

    Edit : I’m also interested in Ancient Egyptian Mythology+Magic so if you’ve got any good recommendations for that I’ll take them, so I’ll have somlething to start with when I want to learn something new.

  • teatuk

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    I’m a beekeeper and have lurked here for some time. I always make sure to “tell the bees” whenever something important in our lives happens, particularly when someone we love dies. Every spring there are inevitable hive losses but on bad years its upwards of 40%. Opening dead hives in springtime feels like a bad omen and makes everything heavy. It’s so unsettling and sad when the bees you tell things to die.

    Is there something I can do in my practice to honour a dead hive, bees or ward against this profound sadness? Has anybody here found ways to combine their loves of witchcraft and honeybees?

  • anonymoosepanda

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Husband accidentally mowed over a $1 bill… Usually I am sent money when I am most in need. I am worried that this will cause a loss of fortune in my family. What should with the pieces to restore wealth???

  • dreamywoo

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    I’m a beginner to witchcraft and I’ve been learning about it for the past year, but I started to actually practice it pretty recently. One of the first things I’m practicing is candle magick. So I was wondering is it okay to use the same candle I already used before for another spell?

  • SilverNarifia

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    I originally posted this on its own thread, but then got a message about needing X amount of karma to make standalone posts, so I deleted it and am posting it here. Sorry if I broke any rules, I did go over the rules before posting it, but I must have missed that part about the karma somewhere. Anyway:

    Hello all, beginner here. I have an… interesting situation going on with my dreams. When I was in middle school, I had this crush on a guy who turned out to be a total jerk. I eventually learned that about him, got over the crush, and moved on to someone else who I eventually married. But to this day, I still frequently have dreams which include him. Sometimes we’re still kids, other times we’re both adults. 99% of the dreams aren’t even romantic, he’s just *there*, looming in the background or making occasional comments. His presence feels very judgmental.

    It doesn’t necessarily feel like a malicious invasion, and tbh this guy has probably forgotten I even exist in real life. So I don’t want any spells that would cause him harm or discomfort, or influence his life in any way. I just find it very disturbing that he keeps popping up in my dreams after all these years, and I want it to stop.

    I did a quick search to see if I could find anything and got [this reddit post]( which mentioned a spell about burning paper to banish someone from your dreams, but it didn’t say exactly how to do it. So, I dug a little further, and found [this site]( which has the following spell for banishing exes (I never dated this guy, this is just the closest I could find to what I was looking for):

    “Write their name on a piece of paper three times, and cross it out each time. Then light a black candle, rip the paper three times, and light the remaining pieces on three sides. Quickly drop it into a metal dish or an ashtray and watch it burn all the way down (for both safety and for the utter satisfaction). Make sure to snuff out your candle, and then go about your day. Do this daily until you feel the work is complete.”

    I don’t *think* this spell will cause any harm, but I want to also make sure it doesn’t influence his life any, either. For example, I don’t want him to wake up one day and suddenly feel my presence or anything. The very thought creeps me out. I want to totally forget this guy exists without reminding him that *I* exist. So, is this the spell I’m looking for?

    Sorry for the long post, and I appreciate the time anyone takes to read/comment. Thanks in advance <3

    Banishing someone from my dreams?
    byu/MotherNathaira inwitchcraft

  • Snow-whites_Apple

    March 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Hi everyone I’m a baby and like super new. I’ve recently had a question on my mind about something regarding a deity/entity calling. It could also be something else entirely but idk. Please forgive any words I’m using wrong or if this is just nothing at all.

    First time I’ve seen them is at five in my dreams. I remember seeing spiders and a person presenting female. The energy was very overwhelming and I woke incredibly emotional (very much crying and anxious). There was also a spider just sitting on my chest. I continued to see the same energy in my dreams mostly every year. Sometimes there’d be a year of nothing. Since I feel like spiders in my area are quite common I mostly just think it’s nothing. The dreams however are quite vivid. Their appearance was pale skin and blonde to white hair. Never seen their face.

    In the dreams after the first they would appear in a forested area always sitting on a swing hanging from a tree. There’d be a table next to them filled with food. When they saw me they’d get down and offer whatever was on the table to me. When I see them I feel calm or I realise I’m asleep. I have no control over the dream though unfortunately. More recently now that I am a young adult the last dream I’ve had with them they appeared differently. I knew it was them by the feeling. They had black hair now and I remember reds and blues in what they were wearing. Had the same feeling like all the others. Every dream I wake from with them there’d usually be a spider hovering over me. Once I woke up with one almost on my face.

    I’ve mentioned these dreams to other people and what I usually get is that the person in my dream is a demon of some sort. I’m not sure if it’s just my mind being weird but I thought I’d ask anyway.

    Thanks to anyone who answers!

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