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Forums Forums Astrology What does Aries energy mean to you ?

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    Aries energy to me comes across as really caring and loving when treated right

  • What does Aries energy mean to you ?

     deeragunz_11 updated 2 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 43 Replies
  • mariocavaradossi

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Reckless sex and anxiety

  • topazbloom

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Headstrong, inspired, full of boundless energy. They’re secretly introverted but people think they’re extroverts. They’re compassionate and warriors for underdogs. They are resilient, bold, practical, strong willed and down for anything. They’re your hype man and they mean it when they complement you. They will *always* tell the truth even if it hurts. They are ride or dies and passionate about love, romance and spontaneity. (I’m an Aries sun, Cancer rising, Aqua moon) xx

  • reddoortarot

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Aries energy is so FRESH. A ram could fall of a cliff hundreds of times and still be determined to get up, even faster than before. Being considerate without compromising your own values. Leading people when they’re afraid. Reminding you of what you deserve just because you’re a human. Taking no shit from no one not even yo mom. Childish smiles and deep belly laughs. Will say what needs to be said. Never having to wonder what’s on their mind. I’m constantly amazed by the fucking courage aries have. Y’all could be dragged through the mud and the next day be like it happens, I’m not gonna waste time cryin about it I’m just gonna do something else that works for me. Integrity. And deep love and protection for those they care about. Ah much love aries ♥️ – virgo.

  • goldandjade

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    I find them really impressive because they have so much energy, confidence, and drive, but also terrifying in some ways because they get bored and then all of a sudden something is on fire (I mostly mean that figuratively but it’s been literal once). I have a much younger sister who is an Aries sun and moon, conjunct. As an adult there’s few people who are more admirable and honorable than her, but when she was a child I spent weekends chasing her around the mall because she thought it was hilarious to rip her clothes off and sprint away, babysitting was so hard because I’d blink and then she’d suddenly be gone and I’d panic trying to find her before my parents realized I lost track of her.

  • seadragon6

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    The older I get, the more I love them. They’re direct, unabashed, energetic, and sometimes forceful. I do find them chaotic. but when they’re in your corner, they go hard for you. They’re some of the best friends out there—where an earth sign wants to bring you back to earth, an Aries wants to launch you straight into your hopes and dreams. I love that about them and can use that as a Virgo.

  • storm_of_light

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Aries just want to be happy and see other people happy. They fight for the underdog because they’re good at it and are happy to let off steam XD. They may love their validation but the also LOVE to validate others. I might be biased because I AM one but I’ve known some as well and while they/we can be frustrating to some people I think Aries can also be refreshing with the way they go out into the world and want to take it by storm. Want to try new things, tell the truth for what it is, be excited and happy and full of life. While, obviously, a lot of us aren’t kids anymore, I think Aries can remind people of what it’s like to embrace their inner child and be okay with embracing themselves in their raw form. Sometimes ya just gotta do it to reconnect and know that we’re all just kids in grown up bodies anyways.

  • g0thwh0r3

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    I feel like Aries are so misrepresented. Pop astrology always describes us as extroverted and loud and center of attention. Me and every Aries I’ve EVER met is introverted. Can they be loud and high energy with their close friends and family? Sure. But in public settings? No way. Unless something calls for it, queue Aries need for justice and defending the underdog

  • WiseIndication7

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    I’ve always felt special when around Aries – I think it’s because they are usually easily pissed off by everyone else but me lol. I’ve had a couple Aries as bosses and a couple friends and it’s always been this way.

  • stories4harpies

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Leo here with an Aries husband and daughter – I get along quite well with most Aries.

    To me it’s a bit of a honey badger. You can’t make an Aries do something they don’t want to do. They don’t care what you think. But deep down for a select few they are real softies.

  • droseri

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Aries to me means someone vibrant and quick witted. Often fiery when angry but incredibly loving and open. Very stubborn though.

  • landminephoenix

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    No games, genuine, honest, in the present, quick/impulsive, BRAVE, fighter.

  • Mydogandimakegifs

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Aries is very purifying and healthful so long as it is given space to feel itself out and is given validation for its experience (its real if it’s real to them). Aries and Mars are often overlooked even though its one of the most intuitive signs/planets. I’m the kind of astrologer that believes a sign has a direct kinship with the sign before it. Aries takes on a lot of Pisces in how it reads and feels a room but it’s action (Mars) vs the slow solitary mulling of Pisces(Jupiter/Neptune) is where it becomes dangerous to itself and others. Aries acts on feelings immediately which can clear away a lot of emotional/social insecurity and inauthenticity. God does it feel good to have an Aries say what everyone else is thinking/feeling, but there’s a ton of opportunity for projection or misunderstandings when you jump at the void with your thoughts/feelings/experiences. Maybe the people around you are a bad influence? They’re very sensitive. Aries represents the beginning of life; new borns that scream when they don’t feel good, mind blindness in toddlers that say no or steal your plate. Unfortunately Aries craves stimulation and information so they seek it out as soon as one poorly handled conflict ends, it feeds into the next.

    It isn’t that the first house is an immature house so much as it is a “maturing” house. Aries ( and people with planets in the 1st) have an on going battle/process of self regulation and self awareness that they struggle with. Aries gets a bad rap for being violent and disastrous but like Libra they just need support, space and understanding to be themselves and more importantly to learn what that feels like esp in relation to others. It’s really dangerous to scape goat an Aries because they can struggle to stand up for themselves intellectually. Some might disagree with me but most people know anger is a secondary emotion; Aries never wins when it results to angry outbursts or primitive displays of authority/power. If anything these outbursts make it easier to justify the judgment and observations of those around it. I often hear the argument from non-astrologers “How can someone that eagerly acts out so stupidly have any wisdom or justification at all?”.

    In reality Aries responds to the environment around them, clearly displaying some kind of poorly coordinated intelligence that others may wish they had at all. Delivery is everything, it’s how you convince people they’re in danger, being taken advantage of, or abusing power and while Aries is good at conveying important simple yet complex messages, it can quickly lose its justification or relevance. If you can’t take it to the judge (Jupiter) you get thrown in prison and the key is celebrated by society for being thrown away. How can we trust you if we don’t understand you? Telling Mars not to cry, belittling them, forcing them to live to the expectations of others, forcing them to be still and quiet is what makes this fiery side of Mars dangerous in an explosive way vs imploding (Scorpio). I really feel for Aries/1st house placements because they’re their own worst enemy in a world of people that also struggle to honestly engage and detach themselves. It can also be incredibly toxic when aries is celebrated and cheered on for acting out our own dark fantasies (boxing or football anyone?).

    The world needs Aries directness, blunt honesty, intolerance for liars and fakes, and mature Aries leadership. but they could stand to introspect a little and ask themselves what/who they’re projecting out into the world and if their strength is being utilized (likely by a Scorpio lol).

    TLDR: Aries is a magnet for the violent unseen noise of other people and it’s response is messy but with its own unseen genius and warnings.

  • Cruztd23

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Loyal and emotional. Aries gonna ride or die with you, but with that loyalty comes some strong and passionate emotion. From what I’ve seen, Aries is the type to defend a lie passionately or get angry passionately too.

  • thefelonygodmother

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am


    In the words of myself “When I come at something with that level of confidence I’m going to need you to stop me next time.” 😂

  • braids_and_pigtails

    January 10, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Confident ❤️

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