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Forums Forums Astrology What has been your experience with your north node? Has it felt like smooth sailing or really challenged your anxiety?

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    I’ll go first in the comments.

  • What has been your experience with your north node? Has it felt like smooth sailing or really challenged your anxiety?

     Arianna updated 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Piggishcentaur89

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Just my personal experience, painful! It wasn’t until 29 that I even touched the tip of my north node! I’m 31 now, I’ll probably be like 34 before I truly hit my stride!

  • keoni_00

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Leo NN in the 7th. I’d rather stay secluded and blend in rather than stand out. I have very little courage or even care for my own well being. I find myself having little to no motivation, I don’t let myself have fun for long either because I’m afraid things may go wrong. My love life is pretty much non-existent right now and I struggle with socializing and getting to know others intimately. It’s not necessarily something I say or do, it’s just the initial meeting that just seems to rarely happen. I find myself alone for long period of time. Last relationship ended October 2019. Last date was back in April (?) He called it off on the 2nd date because he didn’t see us going anywhere. The idea of “being in the spotlight” and going out there to be known for something kinda scares me, I don’t like being the center of attention at all. NN in the 7th explains that relationships are going to be part of my destiny but Venus conjuncts my Aquarius South Node therefore opposing my North Node so I’m not sure how that’s gonna play out.

  • Xingjinkai

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I love astrology and the endless possibilities of learning everything about it makes me so interested. I wish more people would write about more complex things like this. My north is in Taurus and it seems that I already have feminine energy from my Cancer sign. I am so kind to people, but it seems that people are confused how I prioritize my life. I used to focus on completing tasks before having fun, but that left me with a few friends. Then, I started paying more attention to people and now I see results. I missed out on a lot, but I never compromised my instincts. I plan to teach others about astrology by posting videos on astrology. []( I want to be informative. Stop on by if interested.

  • khaki53

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    North node in Libra 6th. I really work hard prioritizing this lifetime and letting go of a loooot of past lifetime trauma. I have a ginormous capacity to feel and ho boy it’s a lot. I spend a lot of time in my head and just trying to stabilize.

    But I do feel like my purpose is to make the world around me a better place, and I think I’m successful in that. I care a whole lot about humanity and I feel very lucky to be alive and to have the life I have.

    Also learning to love my body. My body is really really strong and puts on muscle real quick. Im my best grounded self when I’m lifting five or six days a week, but I for sure gain weight any time my body senses literally anything is off. So that’s been a huge lesson.

    Actually I’d say my NN has been smooth sailing once I figured that was what I needed to be doing. I really feel cooperative with this energy (also a Libra sun, with some happy Libra and Jupiter placements), so most of my pain has come from elsewhere. Though I do feel like I’m asked to be far more resilient fucking constantly than I’d prefer. Used to it now but my early 20s sucked

  • marriednight

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    5H Leo NN, 29°. I’ve always felt pulled towards Leonine/5H matters (leadership positions, creative hobbies and careers, and I love big hair even though I don’t have it naturally). My Vesta is in this sign and house too, which may contribute to this as well, and I’m the kind of person who can sit down at/with an instrument and play and sing for hours, with no regard for time. I was on gaming YouTube for a while too and would spend hours upon hours making content. Usually, I’m more on the impatient side and always check the time or need to have something else going on as well or else I get uncomfortable.

    However, these things only work out for me when I do them independently. For example, I used to do choir and theatre (choirs and theatre casts are more related to my Aquarius SN) and would almost never get lead roles or solos, and that’s when I would be most conscious of time because I felt like I was wasting time while simultaneously not having a good one. I was actively uncomfortable in these situations because I knew that I could do better than that. When I reach out to other people to work with me, they either ignore me outright or our arrangement falls apart shortly after. This was a major source of anxiety until I realized that I didn’t need to be a part of something, and that I could do everything I wanted to do on my own.

    But when I embrace that part of my chart, I feel comfortable and fulfilled. I don’t necessarily like doing things on my own, because I appreciate being able to collaborate with others and bounce ideas off of them, but it always ends up being easier because I’m not suffering from constant disappointments and rejections.

  • Guard-Worldly

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    NN in Taurus, 12th house… I’m really comfy with Scorpio energy (south node, where we come from). But it’s taking a long time to find value in material things… I’m getting there. Just really struggle with Taurus energy. I also have Lilith in the 12th house…

  • Palace_Builder

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    NN in Aquarius 12th.Its so hard to be alone and then it becomes almost magical when I am.

  • Afraid-Relationship4

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    My north node is in cancer 10th house. I’ve always been set on one career my whole life but after going to school for a bit I discovered it’s not what I want anymore. I’m struggling to find what that is now. Feeling lost and anxious…

  • BuffyTheMoronSlayer

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Hard to tell because I have a Sag Stellium in 1st House. So to figure out what is what is complicated.

  • drew12289

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    It was smooth sailing for, like, the first couple of hours. Then the weather started getting rough…

  • gurgurhh

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    9th house Rahu in Pisces conjunct sun, mercury, and venus. I am comfortable when I behave like a Virgo (Ketu) but I am successful and satisfied when I follow my Pisces instinct. It is hard for me to let go of judgement and and stop being analytical about everything. At the same time, I am completely detached from this world and it is hard to see myself as being one with this world.

  • duascoisas

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    NN 10H Scorpio. MC conjunct Pluto. Jupiter also chilling there.

    One thing I’ve realized is I’ve always had great teachers. I’ve always been a weird/rebellious student, but like, despite my foolishness, I never got detentions. Teachers always looked the other way, always encouraged me, and in many instances I really felt they believed in my potential.

    Right now in this moment, I’m going grad school and the dynamic with my supervisor has been tough. His hand is firmer, and I’m often met with a lot of criticism. But I’m slowly becoming tougher myself.

    At the same time, I have been a student under a master calligrapher for a few years. This teacher is kind, patient, and very nurturing. It kind of feels like I have a lot of gurus around me. I realize I love being a student, and I can be a devoted one too.

    The NN Gemini transit probably played a role in emphasizing the jupiterian aspect of my NN. I also started teaching, and it’s been really nice. I previously had a full time job at a big school which I quit to travel the world (Pluto vibes I guess), but now I’m fully “in the classroom” and it’s been very soul-affirming.

    So in a nutshell, I feel a push and pull between being a student (my place of comfort, surrounded by gurus, I thrive in learning) vs becoming THE teacher (mastering a field in grad school, assessing and grading students, enforcing discipline).

  • SaintSilva

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    How do you find out where your North node is in a natal chart ?

  • Teapotsandcookies

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Virgo north node in the 9th house, and it’s really challenged my anxiety. My 3rd house pisces south node is totally my comfort zone, but it feels a little depressing to stay in.

    I managed to really experience my north node when I went to study abroad in Asia for a few months. While it definitely brought me a lot of joy at times, it was also incredibly stressful. Now I seem to be stuck in the comfort zone again…

  • Eufimija

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    NN in Leo in 12th, and SN in Aquarius 6th. Even tho I have a lot of fire in my chart, acquiring that Leo in 12th has been difficult. To be honest I’m not even sure how interpret Leo in 12th, it’s so confusing. To me it means bravely facing and expressing the hidden, the shadowed. My whole chart expresses me facing challenges and obsticles, and my life path beimg the one of overcoming towards enlightenment. But man is it hard

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