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Forums Forums Tarot How can I prevent what a tarot reader tells me?

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    I went to a tarot reader by force at 18 and she told me your life won’t get better not until 28 29 I told her how can I make it better now? She goes go ahead try ur best you won’t be able to not until 28 and I’m 24 now and I’ve been trying to make my life good with small ways since 18 can’t nothing worked so how can I make it happen now and not wait until then? I want to prevent it from happening then like why start at 28 when I can start now.

  • How can I prevent what a tarot reader tells me?

     sillycuzwhynot1998 updated 8 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • SharkBoy-o_0

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Tarot cards don’t really predict future events in that way. When I do readings about the future ask these questions.
    “What path is this person currently headed on?”
    If it’s a positive path/one they want (for example, a time of self healing and empowement) I ask “what can this person do to solidify this, and strive for this outcome?”
    If the answer is something on the negative side, or something the person wants to avoid, (ex, a time of stress, difficulty, chaos etc)
    I ask “what can this person do to steer themselves away from this outcome” or “how can this person push through and manage the situation” depending on the context.

    Your future us almost NEVER certain. It is a constant changing thing that entirely depends on how you live your life.

    Basically, don’t worry too much about what that reader told you. By constantly thinking about it and worrying it, you’re practically manifesting it in a way.

  • necriavite

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Without her giving specifics and being very clear on what she means, I think she probably was just generalizing based on what life is like for most people in their 20. Most people find their life evens out and becomes better in their 30s based on the experience they gain in their 20s. By 30 your more established and have a clearer picture of what life is, and that keeps building through your 40s and 50s and on.

    Most people go through a lot of hardship and growth in their 20s, it’s a pretty general assumption that your 20s are going to be all about figuring out how to be an adult, which isn’t an easy journey for most people. You have to learn how to be responsible, and what the consequences of not being responsible for yourself are. You will also have to learn to fail, which depending in how insulated your childhood was from failure, can be very hard for a lot of people who have never faced a hard no and hardships outside of your control.

    Even control, learning how much of your own life experience is outside of your control and you have to learn to roll with it is a huge part of trying and failing in your 20s.

    I think she was generalizing what it’s like to go through your 20s. Also before you think everyone else your age is doing great and it’s only you, remember that everyone projects their best self forwards. People don’t like to talk about their struggles and failures because they think it makes them look weak or less-than. Everyone struggles, everyone has a hard time in life from time to time.

    The best thing you can do is not take it as given that everything will fail, keep trying, learn from mistakes and failures, and learn to roll with the punches. Everyone fails at things until they succeed. Keep trying and one day you will get there.

  • Violet624

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    You know, I also got a reading at 18 that was negative and it really stuck with me. Don’t make the same mistake as me. Your tarot reader was full of shit. She has no way to pick a date like that in the future. I’m sorry you had that experience. Let it go by the way side.

  • DaxyJ

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    1) you were *forced* to go to a tarot reader? Who forced you and why?

    2) you’re giving too much power to this. Tbh I’d love to see your birth chart because there’s probably a key there that you’re missing.

    3) I’m also going to recommend you see a therapist and maybe even some [shadow work]( to work through whatever blockages you’re experiencing in your life.

  • Upstairs_Hand1929

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Dont let others get in your head. Our beliefs are what create our life. Yes there are challenges and heartbreaks, but those are to make us stronger, its what make us human. Its all about how we react to it. Completely forget what they said. That belief, or letting those words circle around in your head, is what is making you perceive your life as not good. Change your perception, start looking for the good in your life and feeling gratitude for them, and you will start to see and feel even more.

  • SouthernRelease7015

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    The way I’ve heard it explained is more like “as of right now, this is where you are,” and the depth of the reading and the part that makes it so special is that it tells you things, and points things out, and makes connections in ways you your every day brain wouldn’t see or think of logically. The “next step,” or “future” cards in a spread are like “if nothing changes, this is where the current situation will end up.”

    Tarot readings are like headlights on a car that help you see what you can’t see with your real eyes about 1) where you are right now and 2) where you’re headed if you keep driving in this exact direction. If you don’t want to go there (like maybe your headlights are showing you you’re about to drive into a lake), you steer the car away, because you are still in charge of your life and can make changes.

    Also like headlights, tarot is much better at showing you where you are right now and what’s directly in front of you, not that far away. The further into the future you’re looking (so like someone telling you your life won’t get better for 10-11 years), the murkier it gets and the less confident a reader can be in the accuracy of the reading, because things super far in the future that we see with our headlights look like vague shapes that we can maybe guess at but can’t really know until we’re closer, we just know there’s *something* up there. And it’s also not set in stone because of all the potential ways that you can change and pivot (or steer away) in life.

  • Normal_Specialist_97

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Hey, first of all I wouldn’t rate this reader particularly highly, so there’s that. But I empathise with wanting to better your life; I was stuck in a rock bottom for a long time. Consider looking into To Be Magnetic and Lacy Phillip’s teachings – there are lots of podcast interviews, which are good starting points. This information is what helped me break the negative cycles I was in. It’s really worth it. Tap with Brad on youtube is also a good free resource. However, with both of these things you have to commit and ideally do it daily if you want to see change. Whether you look into these things or not, I really hope that you find the answers you are looking for. Good luck.

  • Mo-Champion-5013

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    I’m going to offer you some advice. This will be life changing.

    Abraham Hicks- All You Have To Do Is Find a Way To Feel Good 🥰✨

  • No-Carpenter-6260

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    That was a truly crappy Tarot reader. It doesn’t work that way. You are in full control of your choices. If you want advice from Tarot, find another reader and ask them specifically what advice they can give you. You may need to be specific about what areas of life you are struggling with.

  • Afraid_Equivalent_95

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Get a tarot/Oracle deck that you vibe with and do advice readings with it. Try not to worry too much about old readings of the future since that can be changed. I also recommend not doing too many future readings with your cards cuz they can cause anxiety about the future

    Adding: you don’t necessarily have to do complicated multi-card spreads for all your readings. If those are tough to interpret, u can do single or double card pulls. I often do single card draws and they’re still insightful

  • Apprehensive-Bath428

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Learn to work with energy instead of information. Because information is always, even in the accurate case, not the complete picture. The interpretation is inadequate because language cannot truly describe energy and the laws and nuances of the universe. You gotta learn to work with the energy given to you instead of getting caught up in interpretation. Tarot was never meant to be tool for divination, they were meant to teach you magic and each card held a specific energy.

    How do you change your life? Learn law of attraction, law of assumption, understand the esoteric principles of things. And definitely, work on your conviction and self-esteem. I’m sensing some anxiety issue leading to gullibility and paranoia. Be in charge of your destiny and stop letting yourself be swayed so easily by strangers, nor should you seek advice from strangers. Develop deep critical thinking, from now till 25 that’s when that will be developed the most. I’m sorry to say, but I do not see much of it right now. (And it’s ok, your brain is still developing till 25 in regard to decision making). And it is crucial that you learn critical thinking so you think for yourself and form a more insightful perspective on life, that way you will not fall into the trap of constantly letting others tell you how you will live your life.

    Also that sounds like bs is what I think. She wants you to give in to some kinda bs cleansing or ceremony for money. It’s clear as day.

  • CaliIrishSnow

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Are you sure she wasn’t talking about your Saturn return? Some readers mix astrology in with their tarot. If that’s the case.. look it up. So you can at least understand it.

  • pabbapbap

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    That sounds really toxic. Try another tarot read and hear them tell you something different. Actually, sorry for the plug but I think this will truly help. I turned my cat into a 0% toxic Tarot reader.

  • Tony2030

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    FIRSTLY – you’re not going through something unique for your age. My late teens and early 20s were chaotic. It gets WAY better. You’re still developing those adult muscles and the person you are today is already miles ahead of the person you were at 18.

    Next, the tarot is about interpretation of a slice in time. Mabe (MAYBE) if things had carried on EXACTLY the way they were at that moment when you received a reading at 18 the reader MIGHT have been onto something. But things change every day. We have free will. The reader should have told you that immediately. Predestination is bullshit and destiny is an opportunity – not an unalterable railroad track.

    Finally, the state of your life has nothing to do with some bullshit tarot reader. It has everything to do with what you have attracted to yourself as a result of who you are right now. if you feel unsteady – your life probably seems pretty chaotic and your friends are probably negatively influential. The hard truth is that if you’re unhappy with your life – it’s more to do with where you have decided to put yourself.

    Spend some time in a quiet place, clear your mind, and ask yourself what you’re supposed to be learning in your current situation. Then listen to the answer.

    The tarot is a powerful tool but it’s just a tool. It’s not a magic spell and it’s not what decides the course of anyone’s life.

    What is MOST likely is that you have put yourself through some pretty hard times to build those muscles. When you allow yourself to break through, you will have tools and ability that others do not. Stay present and learn the lessons you have placed before yourself and fuck that tarot reader.

  • CoconutsNmelonballs

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    You have free will. Nothing anyone says can come true like that. It’s more likely you’ve had that stuck in your head and are making it happen. If you keep telling yourself your life’s gonna be shit, then it will be. And ps: I’m learning to read tarot and it’s the first thing we’re told. Predictions can change on a dime based on your own everyday choices.

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